
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hot Water Bottle Cover

I got a couple of hours to myself this afternoon so I was able to make peaceful use of my new sewing room (spare room converted - well, just the bed dismantled and my sewing table and boxes moved in - nothing fancy but mine, all mine!). It's the first time I've actively decided that I could make something that I need, instead of buying a new one in a store. I needed a new hot water bottle cover because my (pre-sewing days) hastily bought cheapo Big W one (which I've copied and improved on) is very badly made, ugly and uncomfortable. This one is soft and snugly! I need to work on my hand-stitching, which I don't enjoy, but I did enjoy figuring out how to layer all the pieces (6 in total) so that it all came together correctly. It's not the best picture but I still have a whole quiet house to myself, so I'm in a rush to make the most of the remaining time with a good book and a cup of jasmine green tea!

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