
Friday, August 26, 2011

Status update... still here, just on a temporary hiatus! Miss M recently started crawling which has changed things around here quite a lot, plus am trying to get a good block of my counselling diploma done with a view to completing it by the end of this year. So, there hasn't been a lot of time left for sewing, and my machine is sadly neglected at present. However, I plan to clear out my sewing / junk room this weekend and get started on my list:

  • Bunting for Miss M's room in pinks with travel theme using this tutorial
  • Cushion covers for sofa , just envelope style and have the fabric and inserts since months ago!
  • 'Mug rug' using this tutorial - want to practice my quilting some more before trying another big project
  • New sunhat for Miss M in pinks with travel theme using same Oliver + S pattern as before
  • Hungry Caterpillar blanky 
  • Christmas bunting
  • Fabric advent calendar

So yeah, I really need to get this space!