I can’t believe that more than a week has gone by since my last post! Poor Miss M has been sick with a coughing cold, seems to be doing the rounds here on the Banana Coast. I’ve not been feeling 100% myself but did manage to have a lovely night out with mothers group and also a nice walk in the Botanic Gardens with friends and a belated birthday cake for me (yum!) before we were struck down. Plus I found out that I got published on the Kleenex Mums website as a runner-up in their blogging competition – very chuffed!
Anyways so it’s Monday again already and after a particularly rough couple of days we’re on the mend at last and Miss M has gone out for the afternoon with her Papa, leaving me all alone in the house...bliss!! Several jobs to be done but first I made getting back into my sewing room the priority, and I’ve finally started piecing my squares. Last week I marked them grid-style (A1-H6) with small pieces of masking tape and today I have begun sewing strips of six, following a good tutorial from a blog called Diary of a Quilter. I hope to have completed all the strips by the end of this week. Can’t wait to see how it all comes together!
Looking forward to seeing the finished result :)